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A man practicing sitting meditation

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction

8-Week Group Program

Next MBSR Program

TBA in 2023

Contact for group or individual inquiries.


  • Build self-awareness
  • Manage stress, build resilience 
  • Move from reacting to responding
  • Become more present in your life
  • Manage chronic pain and anxiety
  • Live instructor and group support 

Discover More Benefits

This program is delivered as non-clinical education based program with a focus on integrating mindful living into everyday life. All lessons and practices are delivered in a secular fashion.

About MBSR

MBSR program was developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn at the Center for Mindfulness, University of Massachusetts Medical Center in 1979. MBSR is used to improve health, quality of life and social functioning in both clinical and non-clinical populations.


MBSR curriculum teaches a structured pathway designed to help participants to integrate mindfulness into their everyday life. MBSR helps to manage stress and pain by learning a set of mindfulness practices that build awareness of our responses to physical and emotional sensations. It is through this awareness that individuals have a choice in responding to stressful conditions more skillfully, rather than merely reacting emotionally.

Strengthen your ability to focus and to be aware of your surroundings. This helps to cope with distractions and high demands and to discern what is truly important to you.

Learn to stop and access still moments in the body and mind. Cultivate restful states that allow for healing and rejuvenation. Discover new ways to respond in stressful situations. 

Improve your attention and observation skills for sensing both inner and outer landscapes. This helps to promote self-discovery and insight, develop fresh perspective.

Explore limiting self-narratives and habitual patterns that hold us back from our true potential and ease. Discover interconnection and cultivate acceptance of self and others.

Program Participation

MBSR program consists of eight 2.5 hour weekly classes, an orientation session and a 4-hour silent retreat day.  In addition, regular daily mindfulness practice at home for about 30 minutes is required.

MBSR program requires a significant time commitment and participation in all sessions is required. There is an emphasis on individual effort and motivation to fully participate in the program and in the home practice. Classes are highly participatory including:

Formal and informal mindfulness practices

Mindful movement exercises

Individual and group inquiry

Didactic presentations

Review and support for home practices

"My intuition was right as I learned so much from this 8-week MBSR class. The style of your teaching is structure, balance and insight. You provided a supportive space that we were able to learn mindfulness skills, apply to daily life; we were able to learn more about how we respond/deal with stress and we got to learn from group members as well. 

After each class, I always felt more centered, at ease and peaceful."


- Jennifer Duh, Licensed Clinical Social Worker


Upcoming Course

TBA in 2023
Contact for MBSR
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